Movie Night Extravaganza is an irreverent, quick moving show about movies. Although it ostensibly comes from the world of Progressive Podcasting the end goal is really to discuss, debate and otherwise speak about many different kinds of movies. This is done live through twitch, later through youtube and podcast
The cast of characters are as follows:
HOST-Forrest Miller: Producer of the Kenzo Shibata show, and Sabbath Cipher. Former Super Producer at Give Them An Argument with Ben Burgis and former Podcast Editor at The Katie Halper Show and for Michael Brooks. Forrest is the captain of the good ship Movie Night and has an unending amount of knowledge about film. @alwaysflacko
CO-HOST-J. Andrew World: Host and Producer at Bad Takes, Graphic artist at Give Them an Argument, Creator, Writer and Artist at Right About Now Former Staff Illustrator at Nth Degree: The Fiction and Fandom `Zine, Andrew brings the deep obscurist sci-fi knowledge and makes the very lovely poster art for the episodes. @rightaboutnow2
CO-HOST-Conan Neutron: Host, Producer, Editor and Janitor at the long running Conan Neutron’s Protonic Reversal podcast(youtube, spotify) , Supreme Allied Commander / Songwriter / Guitar / Vocals at Conan Neutron & the Secret Friends (bandcamp, youtube, spotify) . Conan brings the pizazz and dazzle to the show with his witty rejoinders, pithy jibes, endless punk rock references, big raccoon energy and the Misplaced Optimism of the Doomed. @conanneutron
Featured Guests/Co-Hosts (details to come!):