Joseph McBride comes back on the show to discuss “The Whole Durn Human Comedy” his new book on the Coen Brothers and we talk about Barton Fink.
“Look upon me! I’ll show you the life of the mind!”
Joseph McBride comes back on the show to discuss “The Whole Durn Human Comedy” his new book on the Coen Brothers and Forrest, Conan Neutron, and J. Andrew World talk to him about Barton Fink.
A major theme throughout their work is that the Coen Brothers both celebrate and point out the hypocrisy and destructiveness of being an uncompromising artist… as well as both celebrating and pointing out the hypocrisy inherent in For-Profit artistic industries both Hollywood and the Music Industry.
In Barton Fink, they show the most contempt for both the phoniness of an “Uncompromising Artist” and the Hollywood Studio System.
It’s an absolutely brutal take-down of the Commodification of the Artist under a For-Profit Hollywood System churning out movies for the masses in record-breaking time.
All of this would be interesting enough, but the Coen Brothers decide to turn it into an insane Murder Mystery out of nowhere.
Also, shout out to the brilliant Rodger Deakins cinematography throughout the film.
We’re gonna give you that Movie Night Extravaganza Feeling!